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A Formal Introduction...

Hi, I'm Anna Kasun. Welcome to my blog!

Am I a very good judge of coffee? No, not really. To be honest, it all tastes very similar to me. I am hoping my palate becomes more refined with age… 22 seems like an appropriate time to become acquainted with things that feel “adult,” like coffee, wine… nuts (When will I actually enjoy the taste of an almond? When will I genuinely crave a walnut?). 

Maybe I shouldn’t admit that I don’t know much about coffee on a blog in which coffee is a core pillar, HOWEVER, a coffee shop — to me — is (mostly) about vibes, which I am a self-proclaimed expert on. Also, I now work at a coffee shop, so I have made it my personal mission to learn as many coffee facts as humanly possible. Please join me on my journey to self discovery in coffee preference. It just might change your life. It probably won’t. But who knows really.

Also, like many of us, I enjoy bookstores books and have recently developed a specific interest in lighthouses for some reason. So I’m going to do some exploring along the East Coast — probably with an emphasis on New Jersey because I do, in fact, live there. Those adventures will be posted here too, so stay tuned.

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